About UsAbout Us

About UsAbout Us

Our company

Viamecan is a Portuguese company, founded in 2018, by deeply experienced professionals in the metallurgical industry and industrial maintenance.

With a huge know-why and know-how, we quickly extended our services to the national and international industrial market, having always in mind a strategy of continuous investment.

We seek to respond the challenges proposed by our clients with quality and commitment, having for this purpose a specialized technical team, in the fields of Industrial Maintenance, Shipbuilding, Oil&Gas, Renewable Energies and Outsourcing.

View the Quality Policy


To meet the requirements of the national and international industrial market, effectively, with commitment, rigor and transparency.


To be a reference point in our ever-expanding market, while always striving for satisfaction of our clients, employees, and partners, through the quality of our services and the constant evolution of our know-how.


Commitment: To meet the requirements of the national and international industrial market, while fulfilling deadlines set by our clients, with dedication, rigor, and transparency.

Quality: To provide our best service, focused on learning, sustainability and continuous evolution of our teams.

Efficiency: To produce more and better, with less effort, while also reducing expenditure and waste.

Team Work: ­­ Working towards the same goals, with transparency, respect, and dedication, because we believe that together we will be able to achieve more.



To meet the requirements of the national and international industrial market, while fulfilling deadlines set by our clients, with dedication, rigor, and transparency.


To provide our best service, focused on learning, sustainability and continuous evolution of our teams.


To produce more and better, with less effort, while also reducing expenditure and waste.

Team Work

Working towards the same goals, with transparency, respect, and dedication, because we believe that together we will be able to achieve more.




At Viamecan we strive for our employees to have the opportunity to grow and challenge themselves daily. We work as a team, for a global and common goal, to be part of a successful company.

Our path has been built on the trust and respect we have for those who work with us. We know the quality of our teams, made up of dedicated professionals, experts in their fields.

Viamecan's culture is defined by our values - commitment, quality, efficiency and teamwork. They reflect the way we interact with our clients, employees and partners.

I hope that your visit, as a potential client, or future employee, will lead you to feel a connection with Viamecan and get you interested in knowing us better.
At Viamecan we strive for our employees to have the opportunity to grow and challenge themselves daily. We work as a team, for a global and common goal, to be part of a successful company.

Our path has been built on the trust and respect we have for those who work with us. We know the quality of our teams, made up of dedicated professionals, experts in their fields.

Viamecan's culture is defined by our values - commitment, quality, efficiency and teamwork. They reflect the way we interact with our clients, employees and partners.

I hope that your visit, as a potential client, or future employee, will lead you to feel a connection with Viamecan and get you interested in knowing us better.

Durante o ano de 2020 iniciamos o processo de CERTIFICAÇÃO ISO 9001...
Dispomos, nos nossos quadros técnicos, de um especialista internacional de Soldadura com certificado PT0126...
Segurança e qualidade é o nosso foco!

Daniel Pinto – CEO

Sandra Sousa

Sandra Sousa

Chief Financial officer

Sandra Sousa

Tiago Magalhães

Tiago Magalhães

Outsorcing Manager

Tiago Magalhães

Jorge Cardoso

Jorge Cardoso

Site manager

Jorge Cardoso

José Matias

José Matias

Piping superintendent

José Matias

People trust Viamecan products and services


Jobs at ViamecanOpenings

Viamecan has experienced great growth over the years, but we’ve strived to maintain a family atmosphere where employees can thrive and succeed. Without a doubt, the people behind Viamecan are the cornerstone of our company’s success.

Job you were looking for is not listed above?
Then why not send us a CV after all?

North - Portugal
Norte - Portugal